I think of all of those.
The last seems most suited for applicability though.
We all want grace. We want people to show us grace when we mess up. We want the new aquaintance to look past our oops and ughs and give us a second chance.
But it can be so hard to give grace to others!
Because being full of grace is not only loving others. It's not only the act of extending someone extra time to finish something, extra leeway in meeting your standard, an extra smile when the joke fell flat.
Being full of grace also implies that grace is working inside of you. Full of grace. So full of grace towards others that my impatience gets squeezed out by grace. My frustration is overcome by grace. My selfishness is extinguished by grace.

I like this reflection, Michelle. Such a sweet thing to be praying for - to be so filled with grace that it overflows in all that we do!
Oh Grace. =D
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